Fifth International Conference on

Computational Intelligence in Communications and Business Analytics (CICBA-2022)

The proceedings will be published with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Series (SCImago, Scopus, DBLP)

Registration Fees

Click here to download registration form

Registration Fees For Paper Presentation / Participation in Physical Mode

Category Fees
Foreign Author $300
Industry Author Rs.6000
Academia Author Rs.5000
Student Author** Rs.2000
Only Participation Rs.2000

** Applicable only when all authors of a paper are students

Authors of the accepted papers are requested to make a zip file containing the following documents

  1. Camera ready version of full paper in (MS Word/ LaTeX and also PDF).
  2. Signed registration form.
  3. Payment receipt.
Camera Ready Paper (MS Word/ LaTeX and also PDF), filled up registration form, Payment receipt in a zip file [named as] to be emailed to

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